AI 的指导方针 in Centre Marketing and Communications

The 策略营销与传播 office, in consultation with the Office of 法律 Affairs and Information Technology Services, has created the following guidelines for AI use in marketing and communications work. 为Centre创建内容的第三方供应商和自由职业者也必须遵循这些指导方针. 这是一份不断发展的文件, 我们将定期与校园传播者进行讨论,为这些指导方针的持续发展做出贡献. 
人工智能工具可能有助于帮助营销和传播人员在为bwin体育学院创建内容的过程中发挥作用, but we must be aware of the potential risks, including disclosure of confidential information, or inadvertent violations of College policies.  
更广泛地说, 我们鼓励整个学院的员工尝试使用人工智能来创建营销宣传品, 问问题, 并通过校园沟通者的邮件服务或会议分享有用的工具和反馈.  


I. Staff must carefully review, edit, and fact-check any outcomes before publication.

  • AI can be a springboard for idea generation, 初稿, 重复的任务, or reviews and summaries of lengthy materials. 
  • 人工智能有时会“幻觉”出不正确或过时的信息,而且它无法对自己进行事实核查. Make sure to review and fact-check AI results for brand, 的声音, tone, and accuracy.  
  • 人工智能也可能在结果中引入偏见,因为它是在有偏见的互联网内容上“训练”出来的. 一定要仔细检查任何提示的结果,并在发布之前请不止一个读者或观众查看.

II. We must be transparent about our use of AI and cite and source materials appropriately.

  • 在准备营销和传播材料时,要透明和诚实地使用生成人工智能工具. 不要隐瞒或歪曲你对工具的使用,并准备好回答有关工具如何对材料做出贡献的问题. Acknowledging the use of AI will help prevent accidental misrepresentation.  
  • 不要冒充他人或地方. 人工智能不应该被用来生成逼真的图像或学生、教师或员工的视频. While you may use AI tools to fix a flub in a recording or cover up an edit, never edit or change the image of another person without express consent. 切勿使用人工智能生成或歪曲bwin体育校园或校园建筑的逼真图像, bwin体育学生人数, 教师, 或员工 in locations other than the one where the original photo was taken.  
  • Include image credits or acknowledge other citations where appropriate, 包括列出使用的人工智能工具. [参见下面的“引用人工智能的使用”.] There are still outstanding questions in the field about how the work of writers, 艺术家, 设计师被整合到人工智能中,以及这些工作如何出现在你的提示结果中. We will continue to consult with experts and update this document accordingly. 

3. We must protect personal data and College intellectual property. 您应该假设您输入到人工智能工具中的任何信息都将公开,并可供该工具或其他人使用.

  • 禁止与任何根据大学政策和/或联邦法律(如FERPA(家庭教育权利和隐私法案))保密的人工智能工具共享信息。, 包括:  
    • 学生信息
    • 人员信息
    • 学院教研资料
    • Information that the College has promised to keep confidential (e.g., contracts, health information, grant applications, reports, or other data)
    • 关于学院的非公开信息
    • Financial information about the College or about individuals
  • 问问你自己,“通过问这个问题,我与人工智能工具分享了什么信息? Or by asking for a summary of this information?“要谨慎.  
  • 不要与工具共享知识产权——无论是你的、学院的还是其他人的.  



There is not a great deal of clarity about image generation with AI tools. Since some 设计 tools learn from and may appropriate other 设计er’s images, Marketing and Communications only recommends using Adobe Firefly for image generation. Firefly is part of Adobe’s Creative Cloud suite of 设计 tools, 它是根据Adobe的库存图像和公共领域材料数据库中的图像进行训练的,以避免侵犯版权. You may reach out to ITS about an Adobe license or request Marketing and Communications 为你创建一个项目.  

We do not recommend any other tools for image generation. 然而, we are aware that many offices on campus use Canva. If you use Canva’s AI tools to generate an image, 请注意,他们的服务条款规定,你必须表明内容是人工智能生成的,用户不会合理地错过或误解. 要了解更多信息, 请访问Canva的服务条款


The following are ways that you can incorporate AI into your work processes, remembering to review all of these for accuracy, 的声音, 和语气:  

头脑风暴: AI can help you get started on the creative process, 概述一个沟通或营销计划, 发起一场社交媒体活动, or write a first draft of a press release or blog post. AI can also create a list of content suggestions, 生成面试问题, 为网站编写代码, or make suggestions for information architecture.  

Synthesize, analyze, and summarize information: AI工具可以快速识别内容中的主题,这些主题可用于确定内容结构和导航, 例如:SEO术语, 头条新闻, 副标题, 图像的Alt文本, 网站标题, 和H3标签. 您还可以从公开可用的文本中提取数据,并将其组织成表格和图形.  

查看或创建副本: You may prompt AI to check copy for inclusive language or implicit bias, generate transcriptions or captions of video or photos, write social media copy or video descriptions that are optimized for SEO, or write a first draft of a press release (before careful staff review and revisions).  

日程安排和计划人工智能工具可以帮助制定社交媒体营销活动和其他沟通工作的时间表. AI可以在一段时间内为跨平台活动提供详细的计划建议.  

缩短内容:提示AI生成大纲或重写营销邮件或新闻稿,字数不超过300字(或任意数量). 目前, 这对于延长已存在的内容不太有用,因为结果通常是重复的.  

图像和设计您可以修改图像和视频,以保留图像的原始意图. 例如, 从别人的名牌上或从别人手中拿掉一杯酒上可以看到的名字是可以的, but not to change the setting in which the photo was taken. You can also create animations, illustrations, and data visualizations. 然而, it is never acceptable to create photorealistic images or videos of individuals, 包括bwin体育教职员, 学生, 或员工 – or those who appear to be Centre 教师, 学生, 或员工.  

实验有时间就玩AI, 尝试不同的提示(“写一封面向未来学生的营销邮件”和“写一封面向未来父母的邮件”会得到不同的结果), 迭代并与工具对话(它可以理解“再试一次”或“缩短”的请求), 给它一点背景(“你是一名营销经理,正在为一所文理学院的脸谱网页面创建内容.”).  


作为一个学术机构, 透明和信任是我们制作代表bwin体育学院的材料的关键, 即使是在营销方面. 未来几年,在营销工作(以及学术工作)中引用人工智能的标准可能会发生变化. Here is a place to start for citing AI use in marketing: 

  • 条款草案, 社会职务, and other written content must undergo editing, 事实检查, 和/或由员工等进行审查, 不需要学分.  
  • 图片 that are edited or modified do not require an image credit.
  • Illustrations and other images generated with AI must include a photo or 设计 credit. Examples: Created using [AI tool name] OR Image credit: [AI tool name]  

Many of the tools that used today have AI built in – from Grammarly to Adobe. You are responsible for being familiar with how AI is part of your work processes. Never use AI for something you would not want anyone to know you used AI to create.


《bwin体育》断言, according to well-established legal precedents, 使用受版权保护的作品来开发大型语言模型或其他人工智能训练数据库通常构成合理使用. 不过, 人工智能生成的内容可能包含与受版权保护的材料非常匹配的输出. 因此, bwin体育员工应编辑或修改人工智能制作的任何内容,以防止任何无意的侵权或潜在的不当行为指控. 另外, bwin体育员工不应单独使用AI制作长篇内容,也不应在提示中使用受版权保护的字符或图像.  Read the Library 版权 Alliance Principles.



请注意: There are a variety of artificial intelligence tools available for use in marketing, 设计, and communications and more emerging each day. 而战略营销和传播则鼓励员工尝试使用人工智能工具, make sure that you look for those that make it easy to find their privacy policies, 道德, 无障碍指南. 如果有疑问,请咨询MarComm或ITS.  

这是一份不断发展的文件. If you have questions or suggestions for additions or changes, please reach out to