Frequently Asked Questions

以下是一些常见的问题,学生问我们bwin体育的留学和出国项目. If you have additional questions, contact the Centre Global office. 


Each year Centre offers faculty-led programs in Strasbourg, France; Merida, Mexico; and London. Also, bwin体育的学生定期参加bwin体育在英国雷丁大学主办的项目, Rose Bruford University in Yamaguchi, Japan, Akita, Japan, Thimphu, Bhutan and in Northern Ireland, in Glasgow, Scotland, in Taipei, Taiwan, in Alicante, Spain, in Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, and in Shanghai, China, and in Nantes, France. 学生也可以参加教师开发和领导的CentreTerm或暑期出国留学/客场课程. Centre also offers students Study Away opportunities in New York City and Washington D.C. 

我们学期课程的费用与在丹维尔主校区学习的费用相同, plus a $400 non-refundable administrative deposit and airfare. The additional costs of the specialized, January Centre—Term and Summer Term programs vary from $3,000 to $6,000.

Deposits and payments can be made by check, cash or credit/debit card to the Deputy Bursar, located in the Horky House. You may also call 859-235-5452 to make a payment over the phone. We also accept online payments for off-campus programs through CashNet. There is a fee of 2.85% for credit/debit cards (bank charge) and $0.50 for ACH transfers. Please note Centre Global does not handle these payments. 

Yes. bwin体育已捐赠基金,以帮助一些学生根据需要提供经济援助,以支付海外学习项目的一些额外费用. Also, 获得基于需求的经济援助和未满足需求(或“缺口”),并且在最后一年之前尚未出国或离开的即将升学的高年级学生可能有资格获得高级补贴,以帮助支付高年级的bwin体育学期或暑期课程.

学生入学第一年不允许出国留学, 但我们欢迎并鼓励学生在大二期间出国留学, junior, and/or senior year. There is no right or wrong time to study abroad, though certain factors, such as academic requirements and sports schedules, may influence your decision. 学生们应该意识到,虽然bwin体育确实保证学生有机会出国学习, bwin体育承诺不保证所有学生都能在他们选择的特定课程和特定时间出国留学. 我们鼓励学生来老卡内基见我们讨论选项和申请过程.

Wrong. 大多数bwin体育学生的学业安排允许他们在大二的任何学期出国学习, junior, or senior year. 的确,一些科学专业的课程顺序模式使这些学生在一个特定的学期里最容易出国留学. It’s important that students contemplating mathematics, computer science, 一些理科生在大学生涯的早期,在注册大一bwin体育学期和春季学期课程之前,就会和他们的导师讨论并制定出国留学计划.

我们所有的项目都有一定数量的“名额”,有些项目比其他项目更具竞争力. 学生们应该意识到,申请一个项目并不能保证他们在该项目中被选中. . bwin体育环球不保证所有学生都能在他们选择的特定课程和特定时间出国留学. 我们的办公室很乐意亲自与学生讨论申请和选择过程.

Yes. You now may study abroad more than once in your Centre career, you may also participate in as many Centre-Term and K.I.I.S. 只要你满足要求的4年毕业时间,你就可以参加你想参加的课程(并且可以负担得起).

每年Centre Global都会举办海外留学项目揭幕仪式. 这个激动人心的活动旨在向学生介绍新的由教师主导的CentreTerm课程以及即将到来的学年的旗舰课程, 并随着留学申请系统的开放而达到高潮. See the events page for details on this year's unveiling.

为了鼓励每位四年制bwin体育学生至少出国学习一次, 学院将资助即将毕业的学生在大四期间参加一个bwin体育学期的海外课程,或者在大四前的一个夏天参加一个暑期课程,这些学生需要获得基于需求的经济援助,政府确定的EFC(预期家庭贡献)很低,并且有大量未满足的需求(“缺口”)。, 2)以前没有参加过任何形式的出国留学或出国留学项目. Yes. Every year in late January, 政府向学生们发出了申请少量限制性资金以支持出国留学的呼吁. These awards are highly competitive. More information on them is available under the Awards heading.

bwin体育环球提供少量的有限资金,以支持出国留学. 这些奖学金竞争非常激烈,大多数都遵循基于需求的一套标准. 学生可在留学申请系统内申请留学奖学金. Please refer to the Important Dates page for more information. 

Right now. Let your advisor know when you are thinking of studying abroad. Please contact Centre Global to schedule a meeting, 我们很高兴与您一起探索所有可用的机会.

如果您目前没有护照,将在您返回日期后至少六个月内保持有效, 一旦你被国外学习项目录取,你就应该开始申请, since it can sometimes take six or more weeks. You can do this at the Danville USPS office on Main Street. 

Please refer to our Before You Go page for more passport details, including costs.
